Corporate mobile news app
iOS and Android app for internal distribution to employees

Improve communication within the company
This company is present in different countries and has many offices and departments, so it is often difficult for them to segment the news they send to their employees, depending on their location and interests.
In addition to managing information in different languages and controlling which people have access to internal news.
They needed to implement a corporate mobile platform for large-scale communications that would be accessible to all employees.
They asked us to help them solve their internal communication problem, and that’s what we did…
We developed a mobile application for iOS and Android
A corporate mobile news app that allows users to receive targeted communications from the company
Looking for solutions to problems
After a thorough analysis of the company and its situation, we determined that the best way to solve their problem was to identify and develop two distinct environments.
A mobile application for workers and a management panel to be able to administer and manage content.
The department in charge of the application can publish as many messages as they wish and in different languages. These messages can contain links that will allow the user to complete the information by accessing the complete post on the website.
But not only that, the corporate mobile news app has many more functionalities…
Corporate mobile news app for employees
The user accesses the application with his intranet data, thanks to LDAP integration . In this way, the user does not have to register or create a new account to access.
The corporate mobile news app is multi-language, being configurable by the user at any time.
A very important point is that the content and texts of the app interface are displayed in the selected language.
Users only receive news specific to their location, segmented by country, headquarters and department. However, there may be global news that will be visible to all users of the application.
The iOS and Android mobile apps are natively developed in the Swift and Kotlin programming languages.
Management and administration panel
The backoffice of this platform is, in essence, a content management system from which to control the contents of the application and the users who have access to it.
The administrator users will have access to the content management system (CMS) with username and password.
The CMS allows creating, modifying and deleting news. Any of these actions will be reflected in real time in the application, showing the new news item, the change in the modified news item or the deletion.
The contents can be written in different languages and the users of the application will visualize them in the language they have configured in their phone.
There is the possibility of marking a news item as important so that a push notification is automatically sent to the users that belong to the segmentation of the news item (country, headquarters and department). This is very useful for important notices and communications.
From the administration panel you can also manage the access of users, to validate or unsubscribe people who no longer belong to the company. For an easy management of registrations and cancellations, an integration with thecompany’s intranet is made through LDAP to automatically register and deregister users.
The management panel is developed with the Symfony framework. In addition, a REST API is programmed that is used by mobile applications to communicate with the database and the contents of the panel.
Internal communication from a Newsletter
Once a month, all the news published in the last month is compiled and a newsletter is sent to all users in the corporate mobile news app.
In this newsletter only the “global” news and the news corresponding to the country, headquarters and department of the user appear. It is a way to keep the user informed of the company’s news and to have in one place all the relevant news of the month.
Usage and data analytics
The most important part of any project is to analyze data and results.
In the management panel of the corporate mobile news app there is an analytics section from which you can consult the registered users, their last access, news visited, etc. Perfect to know the movements and interests of workers and thus be able to optimize the communication strategy.
For each news item, you can know the number of visits it has received and from which country, headquarters and department. This is useful to know which are really the topics that most interest the company’s employees.